If you have an innate sense of wanting ‘better’, seeking ‘cleaner’, desiring ‘more’ then Tkaro is the right one for you. The name of this sleek irresistible glass bottle water is Tkaro, it was derived from the Italian word ‘kiaro’ which means ‘clear’. It’s the glass water that you take with you. Tkaro is reusable, recyclable, transportable and dishwasher safe. Some of us might think, why glass? Well, Kai Fejér designed the Tkaro glass water bottle in 2007 for the simple reason that plastics and stainless steel were not options for her in the consumption of a glass of water. Also she’s fundamentally aware of the environmental issues concerning the possible ingestion of bisphenol-A if the bottle is made out of plastic, while stainless steel bottles are reminiscent of the thermos of one’s childhood, complete with odd smells emanating from last use. Glass provides a level of cleanliness that is simply not achievable in plastics or stainless steel. Much like a typical water glass, Tkaro’s pureness of form and material allow the contents of the glass to be visible, assuring no residue and resulting in a continuously clean taste and smell; ideal characteristics of a vessel from which to consume the cleanliest of all elements, water.
It’s a beautiful product that’s designed to take life’s spills and upsets. But like all objects of beauty, it asks to be treated with respect. Treat it well and it returns the favor. Keep your Tkaro bottle from radical falls and it will serve you well for years. Designed with maximum durability and an airtight seal, Tkaro can accompany you everywhere. Its pureness of form provides an aesthetically pleasing solution for our daily water consumption on the journey to good health and a better environment since 1% of your money will be donated to save this planet.
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Water Bottle by Tkaro